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Our Early Learning Centre is a purpose-built environment, designed for young children. It is an integral part of the Junior School experience and the beginning of a rich relationship with the School for our families.

A sense of belonging is at the centre of our ELC, where each child is valued and shaped by our school values, the Early Years Learning Framework and the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Program (IB PYP). These work harmoniously together, building on the child’s existing knowledge and experiences. Inquiry is used to explore a child’s thinking and harness their creativities, whilst intentional teaching supports the achievement of developmental milestones in cognition, social, emotional, physical and language domains.

Positive, trusting and enriching relationships are integral to the experience of all students, parents and teachers. These are lived every day in our ELC: students are family, and parents are our partners in guiding learning.

The ELC operates as a 5 day per week program from 8.25am – 2.50pm, throughout the four terms of the school year. Children who attend are aged 4 or turn 4 before the 30th April of the year that they commence. There are two classes with a teacher and qualified early childhood educator in each class. The program, also includes Music, Movement, Library, Spanish and Physical Education lessons conducted by a specialist team of teachers.

Frequently asked questions about Pembroke ELC

Are families that attend the ELC eligible to claim the Government’s child care benefit?

No, tuition fees for Pembroke ELC do not attract the Government subsidy.

Do you provide meals?

As we prepare them for life at School, children bring their own packed recess and lunch to ELC each day. ELC students are able to access the Junior School tuck shop facilities.

Is there a uniform?

Our ELC students wear a play and activity-friendly uniform, including a hat for outdoor activities, more information is available .

Is there care offered outside of ELC hours?

The YMCA runs Out of Hours School Care (OSHC) on the Junior School campus, OSHC is open Monday to Friday 7:00 am – 8:30 am and 2:45pm – 6:00 pm. There is an additional cost for this service which is payable directly to YMCA, these charges are eligible for the Government child care benefit. The YMCA also offers a Vacation Care service (as the ELC operates during the four school terms, it is not open during school holidays). More information can be found here. Children can attend when they are turning 4 before May 1st of that year. If they are turning 4 after that date, they can attend the next year in the start of term.

Is there a separate application process for ELC?

No, you can complete our to register your child for the waitlist at Pembroke School for any year level.

Does entry into the ELC guarantee you entry into Reception at Pembroke School?

Yes, we are one ELC-Year 12 school with a single enrolment process, if you child commences in the ELC they will continue on into Reception and beyond, there is no separate enrolment paperwork to complete or fee to pay.

Does my child need to be vaccinated to attend Pembroke ELC?

Following changes to the South Australian Public Health Act 2011, children will not be able to enrol in or attend early childhood services unless all immunisation requirements are met.

The Act states:

  • an early childhood service must not enrol a child if all immunisation requirements are not met
  • a child cannot attend, or continue to attend, an early childhood service if all immunisation requirements are not met
  • early childhood services must keep a current copy of an approved immunisation record for each child enrolled in or attending that service.
Does my child have to attend ELC 5 days per week?

All students in our ELC are enrolled in our 5 day per week program from 8.25 am - 2.50 pm each day and there is a fixed fee structure for the 5 day per week program. You are of course welcome to discuss whether your child needs a day off, or the occasional shorter day, with our ELC staff.

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